Wednesday, July 17, 2013


"They" say the children of this generation won't be able to write when they get older because all we do is text and type. So in an effort not be an old woman who done lost her handwriting abilities, I write down my thoughts now. Feels kinda good too. Sometimes I can't stop. I like my handwriting very much and I write very exaggerated because nobody has to read it but me.

Any who.... I don't do well with self-deprivation. I'm learning this interesting trait in myself... If its in my reach and I can get it, its mine! With that being said I'm putting myself on a financial fast. I'm not going to use any credit cards and stay within my budget. I acutally paid a finacial planner to hook a sister up with a plan and I have the nerve, not to follow it. Another waste of my hard earned money.  I'm blowing through my savings for dumb stuff like hair and skates and other non-essential JUNK! This ish cray! I've got to gain control ASAP ROCKY. August starts 'Get Your Life' productions. I get paid at the beginning of the month and I have no big money commitments so this will be a swell time to get it together.


  1. Hey girl! I feel you on everything, so glad someone else feels the same way.

    I started writing down my thoughts again. At the start of the new month, I write down all my thoughts and happenings whether they were good or bad from the previous month. It helps me to look back on my accomplishments and goals through the year.

    By the way, I love "Get Your Life" productions! Tamar would be proud.

    1. Hey back at ya Ms. Viva Glam! Sometimes we have to put it out there and see that others feel the same way we do. Keep on writing! ;) Gots to get it!
