Friday, March 29, 2013


1. Shrewd or spirited initiative and resourcefulness. 2. Courage; Spunk; Guts.

This guy at job. FINE. Dresses nice. Looks nice. Speaks nice. Smells nice. Smiles nice. Today I ALMOST had the gumption to holla... Sad. Then he said something about Good Friday and it jolted me back to my senses.

Today I feel like I'm off my rocker.  *searches for my rocker....*

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

30 to Check Up

I did lose some weight, but I put it back on, you should have seen me six months ago. I can't stay consistent, ima yo-yo. I already have a gym and Weight Watchers membership. I went vegan for a few week, felt and looked great too...

That is going to be my response to my doctor after she looks at my weight, and ask me why I havne't lost any weight.  So basically I can't go to the doctor until I lose 30 pounds. I need some praise and recognition from her, I'm tired of hearing the same ol thing out her mouth. What I should do is go ahead and schedule the appointment and work hard to lose it by that date.... but that is too much like right. I have put it out in this here cyber universe and I expect the universe to hold me accountable. I actually despise accountability. Im not about this fit life, but I so desparately want to be.
30 pounds to my check up, here goes everything.