Monday, July 8, 2013

Its a lifestyle change...

So yeah basically I worked out every day last week and weighed in when I was on my cycle and thought I was going to lose crazy weight and only lost .6. That's that bull crap right there. Yes you may say its only been a week and your eating habits prob weren't up to snuff and all that good stuff and you'd probably be right but still. I've never worked out every day of any week in my life in the humid heat. I wanted to lose at least 7 lbs. I'm not majorly disappointed tho. I realize this is a lifestyle change and I have to keep at it for my health. So that is what I shall do. *guzzles water*.

A lady I graduated from high school with just died from pancreatic cancer. That news hurt my heart. For many different reasons. When I found out I researched it and of course they don't know what causes it outside of smoking. I'm not sure if she smoked, but I  believe she did. I'm sure thats not the only cause of it tho. I hope to see her again in paradise, she was a cool lady with loads of style.

I could ramble about a whole lot of things but I'll shut if down for now.

Take care!

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