Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Just polished off a bacon cheese burger with fries...

How my day began...
I woke up at 430 on the nose to get ready for bootcamp. Wednesdays are run/walk days. I dressed and was headed out the door with mp3 player in hand. I made it to the site with 5 minutes to spare. When my instructor saw me, she gave me a big ol hug. I had been MIA for 3 sessions. After the warm up we ran/walked our route. I improved since the last time. This time I jogged more, Im not sure if it was the music or what. Im due to come on my cycle next week, so im feeling very sluggish, but was kinda proud of myself. Oh yeah, and my workout partner decided to stay in so I felt kinda really good about going out by myself too.

The dress I decided to wear today is the epitome (thank you of a summer dress, and I have on platform sandles, AND my toes are polshed a candy colored pink! I think they're cute. My dress makes me look preggo, but im cool with that.

I decided to go to Weight Watchers on my lunch break, hoping for at least a 5 pound loss since Im moderatly working out and putting some effort into what I eat.... Instead I have a 3.8 gain. I hate how the woman who took my weight didn't look at me in the face while maintaining a nervous cheerful tone. When I walked in she made me feel like a movie star, when she handed me my 3.8 gain, I felt kinda like a werido. I stayed for the meeting that focused on tracking. Exactly what I needed! The leader of meeting talked in a weird circus voice. I hated her voice. She also had call and response sayings that everyone knew and seemed to loved. I wouldn't be suprised if she really use to work for the circus. When I left out the meeting, I went and got me a bacon cheeseburger with fries from Soho. I feel a little victory that I didn't stop off at the vendor outside and get a oatmeal cream pie. Those things are fantastic to me. My mind set is that I will start tomorrow with tracking and doing a "on purpose good effort".

Stay tuned for "I Love My Belly and NO, Im not pregnant!"


  1. Hang in there AC! I got the same looks when I used to walk into Curves and the ladies would look at me funny becuase I hadn't been there in months plus I had gained weight. I've had that feeling several times.

    Keep doing what you're doing, you and Jess are really inspiring me. I'm gonna get my act together soon, I say that all the time but I really mean it though :)

  2. I know you mean it Gab and you will do it. Thanks for your kind words. They shouldn't look at people like that.
